FS droid: Well
I had a flat tyre and I changed the other three before I
found the one that was flat...
With apologies to all the good DEC FS guys that I have worked with over the
years (and no apology for the one or two who were worse than useless - the
TE16 on fire being the best (worst?) experience).
And back at CSSE we used to laugh at how the bad tires would be put back
in the chevy kit to be sent out on a ford job!
Nah, the flat tires would get destroyed after three attempts to
repair a machine failed and the tires were sent back to tire repair.
(At least until the red toe-tags were no-longer left on the tires...)
Told to me by a DEC FS guy who's dad worked at Honeywell
Honeywell once decided that they were going to judge the FS folks by how many
good boards were returned as bad.
Field folks soon came up the answer: Microwave the boards to
make sure they didn't work when they were returned. At DEC I saw at least
4 boards returned to the field with obvious faults (after being in
repair twice). The FS fix... step on 'em and crack em so they dont come
back again .
Three things never anger: First, the one who runs your DEC,
The one who does Field Service and the one who signs your check.