On 11/30/2015 02:18 PM, Terry Stewart wrote:
Speaking of Schrodinger's feline, here are details
of my recent Apple II+
repair for those who might be interested:
My II+ needs a new escape keyswitch, keycap and encoder IC, just in case
anyone reading this ever happens to be parting out a US-spec system (I'm
guessing that a Europlus or J-plus encoder is very slightly different. Was
also led to believe that there are a couple of different keycap styles for
US-spec systems).
The keycap's probably the critical thing - I think there may be other
sources for the switches (at least there were until a few years ago), and I
suppose that a PIC-based approach via a small plug-in carrier board would
be an option for the encoder if needed, although it would be nice to keep
the machine original if possible.