Congrats, Wolfgang! I love old HP gear, they were some of the best
made stuff ever. I still have an HP-67 lying around somewhere. Looks
like you got a great machine!
Yes, the old HP machiens are very well designed, well made mechanically,
and generally work well even after many years. MY HP9800 series machines
are gettign on for 40 years old, and I've only had to replace 1 or 2 ICs
in each of them and do the obvious mechancial repairs (rubber rollers,
And the hP67 is a true classic calculator [1]. I still use mine a lot.
[1] The 'classic series' HP handheld calcualtors are things like the
HP35, 45, 55, 65, 70, 80. The HP67 is in a simialr case to these and some
claim it's a memebr of that family. But to me it's not. I judge a machine
by what's inside. To me the 'classic series' are those usign thr
'Arithmetic and Registers' and 'Control and Timing' ICs for the
processor, thr HP67 on the other hand uses an ACT (Arithmetic, Control
and Timing) single-chip CPU, and thus I class the Hp67 in the Woodstock
family along with the HP21, etc.