Can I ask why you're trying to use a 9885? A 9895
has a HP-IB interface
and would be a lot easier to use. And it has a lot higher capacity.
Because I don't have one.
If you know where I can obtain one I should agree to know it :-)
About the GPIO board, I am searching one, my reference to one offer was
an inexact expression. I agree you offer about the board, but my380 has
VME slots and not edge connectors.
Finally, the HP 98574 is the CPU board of the 380. It combines in the same
* HP-HIL connector
* HP-IB connector
* Speaker Connector
* Parallel connector
* SCSI/ HS HP-IB connector
* LAN BNC connector
* LAN AUI connector
... plus the inner mysterious 34-pin connector :-)
Thanks and Greetings
Best Regards