On Thu, 4 Aug 2005, Wayne Smith wrote:
for-profit enterprise like most conferences. This is
a hobbyist show,
put on and financed by a hobbyist on a shoestring budget at considerable
risk. I would put up serious money that Sellam in the best years does
little more than break even on the shows he does, and has probably lost
money on some of them.
I don't think I've ever publicly stated this before, but I lost $6K on VCF
Moreover, if you factored in all of the time that he
and other expend
putting on the show, and value it at any reasonable level (or even at
minimum wage), these shows would show a substantial deficit.
I think it usually comes out to less than minimum wage :)
expecting to make money on these shows (though it
would certainly be
nice if that were the case, and I'm sure that Sellam was originally
hoping it would grow into something big and profitable). Rather, those
It could, and I'm hoping someday it will. Right now I'm content with what
it makes (small profit every year, at least for the main VCF). I have/had
ideas for adding elements to the event (business seminars) that would
bring in big corporate bucks but it's even more work. If only I had a
I have exhibited at VCF for the last five years.
Since the first year I
Thanks, Wayne!! You are indeed a longtime VCF veteran (one of the
presence really doesn't fly in the least bit.
Sellam is the producer
and the exhibitors and speakers are the "co-producers." It's our show;
only the vendors make money.
Wayne, thanks for the kind words. And you are absolutely correct. The
participants are indeed very much involved in making the event a success.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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