sun cut it out somewhere between solaris 2.1 and 2.5 I think. The
latest does not support it.
I didn't follow sun much in the sparc world after 2.8, but somewhere
they started killing off support first for some sbus cards, then for the
entire architectures (in other words such as SS2 SS1, and so forth).
I was at sun in 1994-1995, which corresponds to 2.4 and 2.5 time and
they definitely were supporting them then, so an old copy of solaris
would be a starting point. I imagine the news cd's that Shawn has (is
he the original poster) should have that in their documentation. I
don't know if you could load and run it w/o license keys though, they
thought they had a tiger by the tail and made it a pain in the butt to
run even if you were inside sun.
but it was fast and cheap, and a very nice printer subsystem. I'd check
whether you have a supply of the toner cartridges or an idea how to get
toner into what you have though. they go through it quite quickly if
you use them because they can move so much data to paper.
On 3/2/2011 11:55 AM, Jason T wrote:
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 1:43 PM, Shawn Rutledge
<shawn.t.rutledge at> wrote:
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 9:13 PM, Shawn Rutledge
<shawn.t.rutledge at> wrote:
> I was interested in playing with NeWS (a Postscript-based windowing
> system from Sun, predating X) and acquired this stuff from a member of
> this list. I never got around to doing anything with it. There are 3
> SparcStations (2 IPCs and an IPX), a NeWSPrinter (laser printer which
> relies on the host to do the Postscript rendering), the NeWS 2.1
> Programmer's Guide, some CDs that can be used to reinstall the OS if
> necessary, and a suitable external CD drive. Any reasonable offer
What OS is
this? Has it been imaged and archived somewhere?