>>>> "John" == John Hogerhuis
<jhoger at gmail.com> writes:
John> Point taken; my first guess was 0 0 0, but it is apparently
John> left ambiguous by the standards committee. I did use the term
John> "almost always" to hedge, but still, you're right.
Actually, I don't think the example was "ambiguous". It's
which is actually a term with a precise meaning. So you were right --
a program is a precise statement. But for some programs, that precise
statement doesn't define just one possible outcome.
A number of programming languages intentionally make certain things
unspecified, or undefined -- the reason for doing that is to give
implementations more choices and allow more efficient implementation.
The sample program that started this discussion is one example.
C isn't the only language that does this; Algol 68 is another. For
example, it quite explicitly and intentionally says that it's
unspecified whether the left or the right side of + (or neither) is
evaluated first.
John> Nevertheless, for any given compiler there is only one
John> interpretation. So I hereby clarify my statement to say that
John> programming languages as implemented by actual compilers or
John> interpreters are the most succinct, clear and unambigious
John> specification languages imaginable.
Not true. For example, you may have a program in which several things
happen in an order that depends on timing, or interrupts, or things
like that; if so, you may not get the same answer when you run it
twice. Embedded systems programmers are painfully familiar with this.
To use Algol 68 as an example again:
int i := 0;
int j := (i := i+1) + (i := i+1)
(which in C could be written as: j=(++i)+(++i) )
On completion, j might be 1 or 2, and i might be 1 or 2 -- and in
implementations that take advantage of paralellism, the answer might
change from run to run.