On Mon, 2010-06-21 at 14:25 -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
On 6/21/10 7:03 AM, Roger Pugh wrote:
I quite fancy an IBM 360 / 30 FPGA board now i
know a little about big
Urr? Is someone working on that?
Ah, yes. VCF was its debut. I haven't got a page up yet, but you can
see Andrew's photo at:
Basically, it's a 1000K gate Spartan 3 which contains the microcode
store (2k x 55) and 8k x 9 of main memory. Front panel switches are
physical rotaries and pushbuttons; blinkenlights are via a VGA display
for now.
Right now it fails the microcode startup diagnostics with a main memory
parity error, probably due to a race condition somewhere (the
memory /used/ to work).
Once that's sorted, the next step is to get it executing 360 code. Then
adding virtual peripherals to the multiplexor and selector channels.
Then taking a 2311 DOS/360 image, and booting. Simple!
Once I get the diagnostic stuff sorted I'll put an image or the VHDL up
for anyone that wants to have a go at programming it into one of the
Digilent S3 boards, or perhaps porting it to something similar.
Lawrence Wilkinson lawrence at ljw.me.uk
The IBM 360/30 page