You wrote...
There is a possibility of having a working IBM 129
punch and 082 sorter
combination at the event. They are currently located in St. Louis, MO. I
am starting to investigate the logistics of hauling them the 272 miles
from St. Louis to West Lafayette. Is anyone willing to participate in
this utter folly? If so, you get to punch the first card at VCF East 3.0!
Yikes... I MIGHT be able to help... depends on size, weight.... plus I might
be able to get them to VCFmw but it's less likely I could get them back to
St. Louis as there's a strong chance I'll be returning with lotsOgear
And ya know... VCF "midwest" is probably a misnomer. Give there's an East
and West, this would should probably be called "Central" :)