Ok, the reservation list now consists of:
Dave McGuire
Alex Knight
Pete Turnbull
Ethan Dicks
Mike Haas
Robert Cobbins
Tony Eros
Mike Cheponis
Chandra Baipai
Richard Cini
I now have about 50 parts spoken for, which leaves about 7. A
couple people have asked for 10 chips, and if there's still demand after
I run out I might ask them if they'd be satisfied with fewer so more
people can get some.
I sorted all the parts and it turns out that five of them are 1802CE
and the rest are BCE. Does anybody know the difference? My databook
doesn't cover the BCE. Some people have asked for some CE and some BCE
parts and it would be nice to know how to divide them up fairly (and
whether or not I would want to keep any of the CEs for myself :)
I probably won't get around to dividing them up and packaging them
till some time early next week. At that point, I'll get back in touch
with everybody on the list to confirm and work out the shipping and
payment details.
Joel Ewy