One point
I'd take issue with is about digital photography. Go and
compare photos taken with an el-cheapo point-and-shoot digital camera
and an equivalent 35mm compact. *Then* tell me there's not *some*
improvement ;-)
Hmm... Problem is that reasonable digital compact cameras seem to cost as
much as a 35mm ZLE. And the latter certainly produces better results.
But entry level digital cameras are definitely better than entry level
35mm cameras.
I have yet to see any digital phootgraph that I
consider contains
adequate detail (this is not the same as sharpness, which can be
fiddled). Of course I am compearing them to medium and large format film
(but then again, any one of my medium or large format cameras cost me a
lot less that any reasoable digital camera).
I'm not sure you're comparing like with like here - did you buy the medium
or large format cameras new? Look at the new price for these compared to
the new price for a good digital SLR - there's not a lot of difference.
I can see advantages to digital cameras if you need
the results ASAP, or
if you want to send them across the world quickly. But that's not what I
want to do.
Or if you value convenience above quality, for instance if you don't plan
on publishing 4 foot posters of your holiday photos. Most people simply
don't need the quality that you can get with medium format, or even good
35mm for that matter. They certainly don't want to spend the time
learning how to use the equipment. It's much the same as the way that
most people don't need a Volvo FL12 truck to go to the shops.