Mine's definitely a Diablo unit and plugs into its own
card within the
Yes, a Diablo Hitype II.
ha ha - just me being stoopid :)
cardcage in
the system unit. But there's also a seperate card
in there (oddly,
How many wires in the cable between the printer and this card?
right, just taken another look...
yes, it is 50 pins - but not connected to anything; the printer connects via a
serial cable to a seperate SIO board (which seems capable of supporting 2
devices). A post-sale upgrade I assume, but they left the original Diablo board
in the machine too. The SIO board has DIP-switches on it whereas configuration
on the other cards seems to be solder-contact only.
do you remember if your unit shows anything on the display prior to putting the
system disc in? Be useful if it did in terms of tracing the fault with this
there's more cards in the cardcage than I originally remembered:
disc #4 drive (x 2)
disc #4 read/write
disc #4 control
64K ram
SIO interface
3 mode VDU output
3 mode VDU counter
VDU memory
CPU #9
keyboard interface
diablo interface
The 3 VDU boards are coupled on the outer edge as well as on the backplane.
Backplane connections are via 88 contacts, with the component-side of the cards
being purely ground. Not sure if the layout was to any recognised design;
probably proprietary though.
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