No, the cable just was off.. and I happened to look up and saw that single
dot there. It vanished after a while.
That is very odd...
In such monitors, the high voltages (includign the EHT for the CRT, of
about 12kV) come from the flyback transformer in the horizontal output
stage [1]. So if you have high votlages, the horizontal section must be
working. In qhich case you would get a line, not a dot. OK, there could
be a problem with the yoke or coupling compoents, but it's very unlikely
[1] There are a very few exceptions to this, but the PETs are not among them.
In any case, checkign the CRT votlages will give you more of an idea as
to waht is going on.
I don't have an oscilloscope (yet) but I do have a multimeter and will try
what you suggested.
Do you have a logic probe? I found this to be one of the msot useful
instruemns for quick testing. I only stopped using it when I got a
LogicDart :-)
You really do need to check the signals from the motherbord to the
monitor. It would help a lot to know that the motherboard was trying to
display something.
I'm curious.. to what extent can you 'piggyback' good ram on top of bad, or
chips, for that matter? I was introduced to that trick on my 4016.. I
It works soemthimes, not very often Basically, uyu are hoping that either
hte piggypacked IC will drive the signal harder than the one already on
the board (and thus override it) or that the IC on the board has failed
in a way that it produces no outputs, so Again the piggybacked one is all
that matters. Needless to say this is not always the case.
I am very old-fashioned in my methods of troubleshooting, in that I make
measurements, look at signals, etc, before I change _anything_. On the
other hand,. it works for me. Time and again.
I have tried some tricks with the keyboard to see if this is purely a video
problem or if there's something going on with the ROMs.. I did a PRINT
CHR$(7) -- no beep. Tried holding down the keyboard for a long time..
nothing there either.
THis sounds like a motherboard problem. I think you are goign to need
something other than a mltimeter. I know that _I_ would start my checkign
the following :
1) Is the CPU running, is it accessing memroy at all
2) What ROM(s) are being selected, does that make any sesne
3) Is the RAM control circuit working at all, are RAS/ and CAS/ being
4) Has the CRT controller been initialised? Do HSync and VSync look
5) What is going on in the video circuit? Is the video RAM being read out,
is there activity rounf the character generator ROM, is the video shift
register being loaded?