So for a couple years I'd been suffering from a rather tiresome problem.
I used to have a separate e-mail address for receiving CC mail but it got
annoying having to log in to a separate account to read it, plus people
would send me e-mail at that address and I'd have to forward them to my
primary address because I like to have all communications in one place.
So I ditched that account and figured out how to use PINE to filter
messages into their own folders.
But then something funny started to happen, and I didn't associate it with
this new configuration. Groups of messages from the CC mailing list would
show up in my mailbox over and over (and over and over and sometimes over
and over and over again). It was rather obnoxious. Messages I'd already
read and deleted hours or days ago would suddenly re-appear as new again.
I'd have to go through and delete all these messages to get to the actual
new ones. Sometimes there'd be repeats, then new messages, then the same
repeats plus the new messages repeated and then newer messages, etc.
I dealt with it for a while. I blamed Jay. A couple times. Even though
he denied it was a problem with the CC server, I had my suspicions :) I
decided to leave Jay alone finally and focus on my server. I figured it
was screwy. It's old and running low on HD space anyway. But I still
didn't know why it was doing this and didn't have the foggiest idea where
to begin looking.
So recently I subscribed to several of the local FreeCycle mailing lists
and set PINE filters to route those messages into their own folder. And I
began to receive a flood of messages. And repeats. It was then that I
finally realized that PINE was the culprit. I deleted the PINE filters
for FreeCycle and instead added some rules to my .procmailrc. Sure
enough, the duplicates stopped. I then deleted my filters for the CC list
and added rules to .procmailrc for the CC list and the duplicates FINALLY
stopped there as well. It's been a few days like this and I feel
confident saying the problem is solved.
I still don't know why this was happening, but the moral of the story is
that PINE's filtering sucks and should not be used. If you're having a
problem such as I describe, turn off PINE filters and use procmail
instead. It might be the version I'm using, which is somewhat old (4.33)
though I'm not sure if this has been fixed in later versions.
I hope this helps someone else return to sanity.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
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