On Thu, 13 Aug 1998, Doug Yowza wrote:
seem insignificant to most Californians. :)
Dynalogic Hyperion
You'll be happy to know we almost never see those Canadian Hyperion things
in California. They're pretty cool. I think mine is the only DOS 1.x
machine I've got.
While I would definitely classify it as an MS-DOS machine rather than an
IBM-PC compatible (because it isn't very PC compatible), I don't know why
you specify DOS 1.x?
I've managed to run DOS 5.0 on my Hyperions, though I haven't done a lot
of checking to see if everything works or not.
DOS 3.2 crashes on one of my Hyperions, but not the other, so there must
be some variations.
I'm sure I've also seen another luggable system from Dynalogic that
resembled the original Compaq. Has anyone else seen one of those? I
dismissed as "just a crappy PC clone" at the time, but I have since become
interested in that class of machine and I regret not picking that
Dynalogic beast up.
No software I've tried so far (admittedly little) has seen the Hyperion's
internal modem or serial port. What do I have to do to get these to work?
Even programs like (an old version of) Norton's SI do weird things to my
Hyperions, but VisiCalc and WordStar seem to run just fine. :)
-- Doug
Doug Spence