Hint: Software and manuals can be shipped CHEAP
using USPS bookrate.
Be very careful - USPS is getting VERY strict about the use of Media
Rate and Printed Bound Matter Rate. Most people use Media Rate for any
printed matter, but by law, any document that shows even a hint of
advertising or personal correspondence, even if from a 50 year old catalog
from a firm that no longer exists and written by
someone now dead, can NOT
go Media Rate. Period. No Slack.
Printed Bound Matter Rate is OK for advertising items, but remember that
if lost (which happens with PBM) it gets discarded without even a try to
return the package. I do not recommend it.
The USPS is starting to aggressively sample any Parcel (Post, Media, and
PMB) packages for compliance.
I got this lecture just yesterday from the postguy in the Post Office. He
said not to abuse Media Rate, or it will go away.
William Donzelli
aw288 at