I was feeling nostalgic recently and would like to
figure out some
way of recreating my introduction to computing in 7th grade (an
ASR-33 with acoustic coupler, timeshared to a PDP-8 at the nearest
university 60 mi. away, running Edusystem 50). The good old
days... when a large hard drive was 256Kw and functional programs
could be run in 8K of core!
SAME here...except the PDP was in the building, and we were running full TSS/8 [1972]
I have a TTY basket case which is "very
restorable" :) but don't
have the time or space to keep a real PDP-8 up and running. Is
there a decent program I can run on a PC? Or should I invest in an
SBC6120? A front panel with blinkenlights would be neat but not
essential to the TTY "experience".
I have an SBC6120 and a PDP-8 up an running. If you cant get (or in your case dont have
room) I strongly recommend theSBC6120 over an emulator.
Even though I have both, A lot of the "switch banging" I do on the SBC....hey if
a paddle breaks, they are easier to repair!