Can anyone help me with a simple link to an assembler / linker for a
Pentium III / Pentium 4?
I am attempting to use the EMEM.DLL (Emulated PDP-11 Memory)
under Ersatz-11, but I am basically a dummy when it comes to using
X86 code, especially finding a pair of suitable assembler / linker programs.
I downloaded the Watfor programs, wasm.exe and wlink.exe, but I am
not able to assemble the original file, EMEM.ASM at this point.
In case anyone is interested, the EMEM.DLL under E11 provides access
to PC RAM via emulated PDP-11 hardware registers. The current version
which I have been using allows up to 8 MBytes, but I want to increase that
to about 600 MBytes so that I can write a faster sieve program for Prime
Numbers which looks like it runs in a PDP-11. If I can get the test version
to run fast enough on a Pentium III, I will try it on a Pentium 4 with 4
of memory and see if it is possible to sieve the primes up to 10**18
a 64 bit sieve program) in a reasonable time (i.e. less than 1 year!).
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine
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