Date: Fri, 3 Dec 1999 16:26:40 -0800 (PST)
Reply-to: classiccmp(a)
From: Aaron Christopher Finney <af-list(a)>
To: "Discussion re-collecting of classic computers"
Subject: Re: Solder Melting Point
X-To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
I had a hell of a time for a while finding solder that
I liked to work
with, until someone suggested Kester 44. I paid too much for the first
roll and then stumbled onto 20 large spools of it at a thrift shop for
$.50 each. More than I'll probably use in the next 10 years.
You'all should have tried the Multicore brand. It's most consistent
and melts cleanly, flux very clean compared to Kester 44 and RS
solder (that's worst!).
I have used all 3 of these and I find Multicore best. Especially
when trying to melt just a tad onto SMD stuff. The Kester is more
inconsistent, sometimes can get some, sometimes can't get it started
sometimes gets out of control and it's flux burns bit more than I
like. Kester is best for nonthing or all use on gross work not on
detailed work. The RS solder is even worse. Most of time I get
pasty solder out of it and it's core flux is very unreliable at