I had some luck today, and picked up and Amstrad CPC464, two IBM JX's,
and an Altos 486. No idea what I'll do with the spare JX - but they are
neat. Did it take JR cartridges, or ones of it's own? And does anyone
know whether they had to have their own system disks, or could they boot
off standard DOS? Currently I'm stuck with the default BASIC.
The Altos is something new for me - it appears to be from 1984, and has a
number of ports for terminals on the back. It says that it is running a
4186 as the cpu, but I don't know that one and the cpu is covered by the
power supply. Was this actually the 80186, or something else? And does
anyone know anything about Altos and the Altos 486?
Thanks heaps,