On Jan 28, 13:28, Ram Meenakshisundaram wrote:
I picked up a VFX1 virtual reality headset from ebay at a killer price.
Now the problem with the VFX1 is that the interface card is limited to
only 640x480x256 colors, whereas the VFX1 helmet can run in 16bit or
truecolor. To get stereoscopic mode, the VFX1 uses interlaced video to
even lines to one LCD and odd lines to the other LCD. What would it
take to
tap the VGA output and somehow determine which lines are even and which
are odd and feed it to the helment directly? This is similar to the way
a TV works.
This is very similar to the way LCD shutter glasses like CrystalEyes work.
Try a web search for that?
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York