l?r 2015-10-17 klockan 10:01 -0400 skrev ethan at
I was always under the impression that a few of them
made it out
I have a TT030 and actually was just looking at it last night. It has
VME slot (as they call it) that has a dual serial port board
installed. I
think it has a modem port. I know it's not compatible with normal ST
softwar,e has VGA, does not use a ps2 keyboard but uses an ST
and has real SCSI versus ACSI!
Strange computers. Doesn't look quite as cool as the Mega 2/4 IMHO
still interesting!
The specs makes me think that it is a bit more powerfull than a Sun
3/80 (and 280 too.)
The ECL monitor reminds me about Sun Sun2/3/4:era bwtwo.
About the same resolution.
Remark: how much did a 1280x1024 capable ecl-monitor cost around 1990 ?