You know, on the jumpers, I buy SIP and DIP headers in strips of 72 from
Digi-Key and cut them off as needed.
On 10/7/07 11:58 PM, "Jim Brain" <brain at> wrote:
Zane H. Healy wrote:
At 11:10 AM +0200 10/7/07, Ethan Dicks wrote:
Also, it looks to me like those 0.1"
(2.54mm) jumpers is a bit high -
$0.25 each, min q. 10. Other killers are the $15 handling fee
BTW, I'd personally replace the jumpers with switches accessible from
outside the case.
I'm coming in a bit late on this, but I always try
for the commodity stuff (I assume there's a UK counterpart, and All
Electornics is one of several similar ventures in the US, but I forget
the names of the others all the time) I recently bought jumpers from
there for much less, as I recall.
Rich Cini
Collector of Classic Computers
Build Master and lead engineer, Altair32 Emulator