Hello Friends:
Just cleaning out storage and decided to sell my one-owner HP150B.
But first I need to make it work. It was working when I put it back in
its boxes 20 +/- years ago.
But, I can't get past the pre-boot error message, "Power-on test
failed 0004" or sometimes "0000c".
Anybody know these error messages? Or better yet, where I can get a
list of power-on error messages?
Argh!. The user manual just says 'Contact the service representative'
:-(. And the Technical Reference manual doesn't give any info on the
errors at all. I susepct that what we need is the service manual, which
is one of the few HP150 manuals I don't have (I've always managed with
the schematics in the techref...)
My first thought is that after 20 years, the battery is almost certainly
flat. On the original HP150, this is, IIRC, a user-replacable battery in
a plastic holder at the back. I think it's a 4.5V alkaline battery, PX21
or similar. I have no idea where you'd find one, but I do know that
battery is also used in some Praktica SLR cameras, and I think it's still
available somewhere.
On the 150-II, the battery is a pair of soldered-in lithium cells on the
PSU/sweep bnard. A right pain to get to, I can tell you...
However, I doubt that a flat battery would give a power-on error. I would
think you had some component failure, but I don't know what :-(