The scanning frequencies of the EGA and MDA cards should be real close (MDA outputs 348
lines of res, the EGA 350). You shouldn't have a problem there (I won't comment
about the jumpering/shorting though), but keep in mind the original IBM mono monitor was
very very touchy. If you plugged it into a CGA card, it was known to...ummm...explode...
I won't swear to it, but I had thought there was a way of configuring it specifically
for a mono monitor. Don't hold me to it though.
Tony Duell <ard at> wrote:
On this topic, I recently located an original IBM
Monochrome monitor, so
for me it's now just a matter of pulling out the EGA Techref and
jumpering the IBM EGA card in my AT for EGA monochrome and plugging the
One thing a lot of people forget : There's a jumper on the board near the
DE9 connector which selects where pin 2 of said DE9 goes (LSB of one of
the colours for an EGA monitor, ground for an MDA or CGA monitor). If you
set that to the EGA position and then connect an MDA (or for that matter
CGA) monitor, you're shorting an output line to ground via the monitor
cable. It probably won't do any harm, but why risk it...
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