At 12:31 AM 7/25/97 -0700, Greg Mast wrote:
I mean, if you guys aren't going to garage sales to
buy stuff,
you're missing a lot of deals. Most of the stuff at the Goodwill
has an old garage sale sticker on it.
true. i recently found a tv repair shop that seems to be cleaning out his
back room - lots of electronic junk piled up outside. in the pile i found
an Aquarius with a 25 cent price tag on it, presumably picked up at a yard
sale somewhere. Also in the pile were an Atari 800 and an Apple IIe
(enhanced) with two disk drives (broken keyboard but it works!). also
dozens of old printers in various state of cannibalization and a bunch of
EGA monitors.
- glenn
| Glenn F. Roberts, Falls Church, VA
| Comments are my own and not the opinion of my employer
| groberts(a)