These seem to blow/burst often. I believe the cap is
there only to limit RFI
emissions, so you can leave it out safely. The power supply should run fine
Correct, althought it's good practice to replace it.
without it. If you do need to replace it, I
wouldn't replace it with the
exact same type, but with a later cap less prone to blow. Any 250V 220nF cap
Hmmm. I am not convinced that modern capacitors are always more reliable
than older ones ;-)
should do just fine.
Be very careful here. It has to withstand full mains voltage, which could
be up to 250V _RMS_. In other words about 350V peak. I would not use a
cpaacitor rated at less than 630V DC, actually.
But it's easy to find capacitors rated for use in mains filters, and
that's what I would fit.