Putting the pug end of the lead into your pocket
also works.
(USA doesn't usually HAVE fuses within mains plugs!)
Mostly because there are no "mains" in the USA. It is called the
Yes, I know (I've worked on plenty of US instruemnts, mostly HP, with
switches labled 'line' which we'd call a power switch over here...)
However, the term 'line' for what we call mains is actually confusing
over here. The horizontal deflection system of a CRT is called the 'line'
circuit (or line timebase, line deflection, etc) because it produces the
lines on the CRT screen. The vertical deflection system is called 'frame'
or 'field' (those have different meanings when used with an interlaced
scan, but anyway).
So the term 'line hold control' is what you'd call a horizontal hold
control. A 'line output transformer' or 'LOPT' is th flyback
transformerm, and so on.
Now is the 'line frequency' the frequency of the mains (50Hz to me, 60Hz
to you) or the horixontal deflection frequency (15625Hz for UK
I try to avoid that problem on international lists like this one by
calling the former 1mains frequency' and the latter 'horizontal