On 7 Jan 2012 at 20:21, Tony Duell wrote:
But that wasn't part of the problem Had one of
the signals been ECL,
I'd have specified adding a 10124 or 10125 as appropriate. The problem
wasn't to get it down to one chip. It was to come up with somethign
that could be put on the PCB, so that the artwork could be finished
and the boards made. If it has been 2 ICs, that would have been fine.
So I wanted to do something non-obvious. Anyone knows that a
MUX/decoder implments a truth table of its inputs, so the problem you
posed was obvious. I proposed a workable solution that no one else
had. You didn't specify what the mystery device was driving--if it
had been a line that required an OC output, the shoe would be on the
other foot.