From: Tony Duell
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 9:57 AM
I agree with the statemetn that 'every child
should learn to program.
Not because they will become programmer,s but becuase programming
teaches you to think logically about solving problems and to break up
problems into simple steps'/ Or something like that anyway...
Hmm. Much the same thing used to be said of the teaching of Latin to
grammar school students.
FWIW I spent several years learning Latin, and while I can't rememebr
much of it, I'm darn glad I did.
There's always *something* that we ought to be
teaching children, in
order to let/make them "think logically about solving problems". There
is no such magic formula. Humans are not logical, no matter what they
may think of themselves, and there is nothing to be done about that.
I stil lbeleive that most people can think logicially, and should be
taught to do so. I wonder how else you can solve complex problems.
I also wonder just hwat the point of a 'school' is, other than to
discourage people from thinking...