Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 13:04:40 -0400
Subject: Re: UNIX V7
From: wdonzelli at
To: cctalk at
As for people thinking certain OS's are dead,
I just want to say that I
continue to be amazed that GCOS-8 is still alive. Though having worked as a
Systems Analyist on a DPS-8 running GCOS-8, I suspect the problem is the
difficulty people have getting off of it, coupled with the fact Group Bull
seems to have the brains to keep supporting it.
Yes, I forgot about GCOS. Pretty much in the same league as the Unisys
OSes. I have heard that there are now less than 50 customers for MCP
and OS/2200. The water is sloshing on the main deck. Does this seem
I am not sure if I need to change the topic header ...
Just out of curiosity Will, is OS/2200 the follow-up of EXEC on the Sperry1100?
I worked on those machines, using EXEC1100 39R5 in 1985-1990. In the end
I worked for the company helping another company setting up a 2200 system.
The modern follow-up of the 1100, but then the OS was still EXEC1100.
I did the EXEC internals course, and was able (then) to read and process a
panic dump printout and find the culprit that caused the (very stable) OS to
crash. Fond memories of that time ... loved PLUS and MASM1100.
Does some EXEC 1100 simulation exist? Not the real hardware, but if I could
enter @ASG,T and @USE would be cool! Coding in MASM1100 would be fun
to relive!
- Henk.