On Apr 18, 2016, at 11:15 PM, drlegendre . <drlegendre at gmail.com> wrote:
Unless the Braycote products are directly
interchangeable with Sperm Whale
oil, how is your comparison even remotely relevant?
They are rendered from entirely different sources. Whale oil is a natural,
animal-derived product that pretty much went out with the depletion of the
resources (and finally, international treaties). P/TFE and MoS2 were
formulated in industrial laboratories, and to this day, are turned out by
industrial processes.
Braycote has enough nice properties that it is also (often) the lubricant of choice for a
lot of space applications - which in many cases justify its (ahem) astronomical price. Its
low out-gassing in vacuum and lack of mobility are huge assets there. I have not
personally used it in any terrestrial applications, nor are any of my machines pricey
enough to warrant it, so I can?t advocate one way or the other for its use on a classic
- Mark