Age: 0011 0010 (BIN), 62 (OCT), 32 (HEX) or 101011 (Excess-3 Gray Code)..
Systems came online 1954.
First computing device (circa 1973) HP-35 (still works perfect)
First computer to program (circa 1973) GE-210 donated to our College by a
Languages ingested: BASIC (various including "TINY"), FORTRAN, COBOL
(yeech!), FORTH, TILE, LISP, LOGO, and Assembly for 8085, 1802, 8751 and
First home-built computer 1802 COSMAC, Second one used the Rockwell FORTH
chip used for various robotics projects. Working (now) on a "cluster" for
sh!ts and grins.
Most early College classes used IBM punched cards and "batch" processing
Early professional programming used ASR-33 with a $100 an hour mainframe at
the other end running SPICE plus my code (BASIC) for RF scattering
parameters and polar / rectangular conversions. I'm primarily a hardware guy
and not a code pig.
First "real" computer was an ATARI 400, then 800, 1200, etc..
20 year run at Hughes Aircraft; used an Intel MDS-800 (ISIS), Tek 8550,
PC-Base "ICE" developing code in Assembly and Micro-FORTH (later FIG-FORTH)
for processors above. Engineering consultant for the last five years.
Best regards, Steven Canning