On Jan 28, 2014, at 12:37 PM, Eric Smith <spacewar at gmail.com> wrote:
On Jan 28, 2014 12:59 AM, "Mouse" <mouse
at rodents-montreal.org> wrote:
assumptions about the data - that it's a 0x0d
octet - and that the
speed is one of a handful of relatively standard speeds. (The latter
was generally not in question because the modem you called typically
was not willing to speak more than a handful of speeds out its serial
port in any case.)
Before "Smartmodems", and PSK or QAM modulation, modems were generally
perfectly happy with any data rate you cared to use, up to a limit. Bell
103, for instance, would work perfectly well at 217 bps.
Similarly, they would not care about sync vs. async. PLATO used Bell 202 modems for 1260
bps 21 bit sync one way, slow speed (50-100 bps?) 10 bit plus parity async the other way,
on a standard 2 wire phone link.