Seth asks:
3) Are the stories about the Boston Computer Museum
receiving a
complete PDP-6 and then chopping it up to sell as gifts truth or
urban legend?
I don't know about the BCM, but I have a couple of boards from
decomissioned PDP-6's. They were not disassembled out of malice
but out of lack of facility to store them.
4) Does any PDP-6 software still exist, especially
PDP-6 ITS ? (I
haven't found any on Bitsavers, so I'm guessing the answer is "no")
In between scraps found on the DECUS sources and some
files I've cobbled together over the years from friends in the
southern hemisphere, I think I have two mostly
complete sets of sources for the PDP-6 monitor. I discussed
this a bit on alt.sys.pdp10 last year. Get me worked up and
I might actually get them to build :-). Right now they're at
Note that most of the early DECUS LIB-10 entries are actually
PDP-6 software (with occasional notes on what you have to
patch/modify to make it work on a -10). I highly recommend
that you browse them.
Last year on alt.sys.pdp10 I also initiated some discussions
about the MACRO differences necessary to assemble the
earliest source files (where the syntax was slightly different).
I have mentioned to Al that I am very interested in
the oldest 36-bit Macro source files that he has from the
LCG archives. I suspect there's at least some interesting
stuff there but it's hard to sort out.