Perl, being a bit more abstract than C, does have
some better chances at
optimization, and I wouldn't hate it so much if Larry Wall hadn't decided to
put in the worse aspects of BASIC, /bin/sh, awk, grep and, give
it a rather ambiguous grammar and unleashed it on the Great Undisciplined
Programmers (me? Bitter? Naaaaaah ... )
> Oh, and when I called it an
"interpreter," that's a misnomer. It may look,
> walk, talk, and smell like an interpreter, but it's actually a JIT compiler
> in disguise... that's why it's so darned fast in comparison to an
Actually, it compiles to an internal byte code that
can be interpreted
faster than parsing text, much like Forth or even Java.
to be (more) OT again: just remember UCSD p-code - BTW: Hans, I
searched a bit, but couldn't find any picture, or any description
of a Pascal Microengine labeled/called Pascaline (I even found
3 different issues of the Microengine manual, and a (seems to be
complete set or errata sheets).
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut