For a while now I have been pondering Usenet as a long term, offsite,
distributed backup facility. Most of the premium servers are over two
years of archive, with pretty decent reliability. Spot checks of
files posted over two years ago still indicate 100% article availability.
Basically, I propose we select a low-traffic group which is available on
most premium servers, and start posting software/documentation to it in a
standard rar/par2 format. And somewhat standardized naming conventions.
If a file was posted two or three times over the span of a month, then
reposted every year we can be almost assured the files would be available
to enthusiasts for many years to come.
Can someone
help me out with the above? All the copies I've been able to
find on the net have an md5sum consistent with a known-bad image.
Thanks in advance.
I imaged mine (original) a while back and uploaded it to a FTP site that was
supposed to be up forever (lasted a month). If you have some place to dump
it email me back and I will dig it up.