Yeah. All the docs would be cool. The thing that really bugs me is that
I dont remember how to boot one :)
Sure did meet Allison, she's still got a Compupro RAM card floating
around somewhere for me. Since we work mere blocks from each other, it
shouldn't be tough to get it from her.
We can meet up at the Sept flea somewhere, I'll have my PDP collecting
girlfriend in tow.
I actually want to entertain the idea of maybe joining up with the west
coast folks to see if we can get a VCF together for us east coasters.
Hell, cant be any worse than running a Japanese Animation or Sci-Fi
convention (both of which I have done in the past).
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Stek []
Sent: Monday, August 17, 1998 10:10 AM
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Subject: RE: Tony - SOL docs and MIT flea market
Hey, Tony -
Give me some time to make copies, and the SOL docs will
be yours. Should I
assume you also want the actual kit construction details, or
will the theory
of operation, schematics, etc. be sufficient?
Yesterday was my first visit to the MIT flea market,
too. Did you meet
Allison? I bought a great new Integrand cabinet/power supply
from her. I
think I saw everything you bought except for the Osborne
Executive (which I
would have bought had I seen it first!) - I just have more
(or perhaps less money <g>) Perhaps we could go together in
September. It
may not be VCF 2.0, but it's what we got!
Bob Stek