Rich Alderson wrote:
Other than TOPS-20, which did not originate at DEC,
almost all DEC
operating systems used PPNs, including those on the 18-bit and 12-bit
I don't know of any DEC OS for 18-bit PDPs that uses PPNs. The
DECtape-based 18-bit systems that I've used (ADSS-15 and DECsys) use a
single flat directory, and the disk-based ones (DOS-15 and RSX-15,
a.k.a. XVM/DOS and XVM/RSX) use three-letter UICs (I think that this is
the reason for RSX-11 and VMS calling their "PPNs" UICs). I've never
used MUMPS-15 (only a scanned paper listing seems to still be
available), but I'm pretty sure it didn't use PPNs either.