On 14 May 2007 at 6:24, Tim Shoppa wrote:
If, after the data is compressed, the net tape speed
is too slow to keep
the drive streaming, then you can find marked and drastic slowdowns
in tape speed as the drive begins shoeshining. Putting more buffering
in can make the shoeshining penalty not so large, but it's still there.
Generally, we disabled compression on our applications--we decided it
was better to move more tape and keep it moving rather than risking
shoeshining with compression. Tape (per megabyte) was comparatively
Which brings up another aspect of the difference between high-end
drives such as DLT and the cheap floppy-tape QIC units that cost an
order of magnitude less. DLTs/8mm/DDS drives by and large had
considerable internal buffering--at least a half-meg and usually
more. If you did anything outside of write-after-write type
operation, the buffering algorithms could make things seem a little
odd. For example, we wrote a volume catalog at the start of each
tape (and later updated it after EOT was hit).
My initial approach was to simply write the catalog and then read it
back to make sure that everything got out to tape correctly. Of
course, there was absolutely no tape motion--I was spinning my wheels
by writing to and reading from the drive buffer. IIRC, the SCSI spec
states that if there's a write pending and there's a change of
direction, that pending writes are flushed. It was surprising to
witness the number of manufacturers who didn't hew to the spec.
Usually, writing a tapemark and then rewinding succeeded in forcing
the data to tape, but one or two vendors got a phone call when not
even that happened.
Similarly, you'd think that write-after-read rules would be
universally observed, since they were also called out in the spec.
Such was not always the case.
I think this is part of the reason why some people talk about "SCSI
voodoo"--device firmware didn't always follow the rules.
BTW, did you know that the folks at Exabyte were granted a 1997
software patent on the notion of a physical drive backup? I'm not
aware that they ever bothered to litigate on the basis of the patent--
there was a ton of prior art that probably wouldn't allow their
patent to stand.