Last time I checked, Trinitron CRTs had three guns
just like all other
color CRTs. The key difference is that the guns are in a vertical line
instead of a cluster. This gave some advantages in resolution.
A PIL tube has 3 separate electron guns in a _horizontal_ line in the
neck. A Trinitron tube IIRC has 3 cathodes in a horixotnal line and then
common cotnrol and accelerating electrodes. Whether that's 1 gun or 3 is
up to you ;-)
Actually, an in-line gun CRT produces a slightly inferior picture to a
proeprly set up delta gun CRT. But the big advantage is that confergrance
and purity are affected by only the vertical component of the earth's
magneitc field, not the horixotnal component. The former is much the saev
over large area, the latter chagnes if you turn the TV or monitor round.
So a detal gun CRT relaly has to be set up in the position it is to be
used, making poratble TVs lamost impossible nad meaning that a 'fixed' TV
or monitor needs a dozen or more presets twaeked when you instlal it,
whereas an in-lice CRT can be set up at the factory and won't need
adjustments at installation.