Tom Leffingwell schrieb:
I'll check it out. What if the relationship
isn't correct, like two of
the pulses are on top of each other? Is all the logic for generating the
pulses contained in the ASIC, or is it in turn driven by something
else? The ASIC from the bad system has no problem running the good drive,
so that's not a problem.
Time to look at the DSD440 controller board...
The green leds ( 1 and 9 ) should be on.
Leds 2-3-4 are status leds :
Led 2 : Controller waiting for interface.
Led 3 : controller writing
Led 4 : controller reading
Leds 5 to 8 should be off : they represent a binary errorcode.
I can look them up for you if required...
Jos Dreesen