Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
I'm kinda surprised nobody bid on this:
Item number: 260600179087
Item location: Didcot, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Maybe someone from Bletchly should try contacting the seller about
putting it on display?
And here's the other:
Item number: 140408191311
Item location: Jupiter, Florida, United States
Then again, they probably aren't worth that much, are they; since
they are only a small part of the Cray....
Had he started the auction at a sensible price and let the market decide
it's true worth, I may well have. I actually find the whole artefact
market a little sad. I had a Cray-3 memory module for a while (now with
Jim Austin) and whilst you can admire the engineering that went into
such a thing you can never actually do anything with it. It would be
nice to think one day that SN1, or one of the Cray-3 (or even -4?)
systems could be put back together though that probably won?t happen for
a long time.