Chris <mythtech(a)> wrote:
Does anyone know what these are for?
Excuse the 2d scan, my digital camera is at home, so I just tossed them
on my flatbed scanner for the pic.
Top (yellow) one is a "write ring": you stick it in the back of the reel
(around the outside of the hub...the reel is slotted to accept it) if you
want to permit writing on the tape.
Bottom (orange) one is a shipping insert doohickey that gets stuck
inside the reel hubs between the reels for shipping. Usually gets
tossed as the reels are removed from the box as it has no further
function. Unless, of course, your operators are fun-loving sorts who
like to throw write rings at each other and relish the opportunity to
throw something that looks similar when it's moving fast but is a bit
less flexible.
-Frank McConnell