The PC-1600
powers on and mostly behaves normally after an "All Reset"
but the keyboard is having trouble; here are the symptoms:
When one of my PC1500s
showed similar symptoms, it was, alas, a defective
I/O pin on the I/O controller ASIC. Fortunately in the case of the PC1500 the
same I/O controller turns up in the peripherals so I took one from a dead
printer/cassette interface.
But it would certainly be worth taking it apart and cleaning it.
I've found the Technical Drawing set here:
which makes it obvious that the dead home-row keys are related to the
KIN3 line from the keyboard matrix; I note that the keyboard signals are
brought to the edge of the PCB and connected to a membrane layer which
contains additional circuitry, including what looks to be an IC that
does the keyboard decoding. My first guess would be dirty contact
That may well
be the CPU.
between the PCB and this membrane (esp. since the
lines in question are
close to a hole in the battery compartment where the aforementioned
30-year-old batteries were...) but I'm a bit nervous to disassemble and
clean this without knowing how it's held together. Anyone have any
experience here? Any tips?
The exploded diagram on the last page of those
schematics suggests to me
that it is built very much like the PC1500. On that machine you take off the
battery cover and batteries and undo all the screws on the bottom. The case
separates, you unfold it on the FPC. There are a couple of brackets to remove,
then lots of screws and the keyboard PCB just lifts out. The only gotcha is that
the key buttons are all loose in the top case so don't drop it or turn it over...
I'm more concerned about disconnecting the membrane from the PCB (the
PCB is on pg. 41/42, the membrane on 45/46 -- you can see on the lower
edge the connections made between the two) as I'm not sure how the two
are held together -- there's a metal bracket on top that sandwiches the
two together (and is screwed into the "front" of the machine -- see
parts 20/21 on the exploded disassembly). I'm afraid if I take the two
apart I may never get them back together making good contact again.
Have you dealt with anything like this? Anything I should be concerned