At 10:02 AM -0500 9/21/05, Patrick Finnegan wrote:
On Tuesday 20 September 2005 22:20, todd at wrote:
I saw an old post of yours from 2003 included below, about the
I am working on a hobby/project to copy a large collection of
my old software from RL02. I was wondering if you ever got your RLV12
to work with the VAX? I was under the impression that because the
RLV12 controler was old PDP11 DMA it could not handle the VAX MMU, so
the DMA would write the data to the wrong area of memory? I do know
that DEC never supported the RLV12 with any QBUS VAX.
I'm not Curt, but I'll answer anyways. BTW, your email address looks
familiar. ;)
The RLV11 doesn't work on a VAX, because it can only do 18-bit
addressing, not 22-bit addressing. The RLV12 works fine on a VAX, as
SRM and VMS both identify it, and use it properly. I've made images of
quite a few RL02 carts using VMS's BACKUP/PHYSICAL command.
I have a MicroVAX III that specifically exists for this (the downside
being it's so far back in my one storage unit it isn't funny). I've
had both RL01 and RL02 drives hooked up to it, and read both types of
carts successfully.
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
| | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| |