I just picked up a non-functioning Lisa 2 (which was an upgraded Lisa 1) and
have lots of technical documentation, but nothing on the motherboard and
wiring between powersupply, video and motherboard/cage assembly. I'd like
to avoid tracing it all out if this info is available.
The Lisa won't power up when I press the power switch (the power switch and
both the front and back safety switches have checked out OK) and I'm
attempting to locate that problem.
Also, it appears that one 120 pin socket on the motherboard is missing a
connector pin, and there is some amount of blue corrosion on the tops of the
other connectors. What's the best way to clean off this kind of (light)
corrosion (oxidation)?
It appears to me that the motherboard socket that is missing one pin will
need to be replaced. Anybody have any recommendations on how to best do
this? The motherboard is a four layer board. I have soldering/desoldering
experience, but I've never tackled an item with this many pins on a 4 layer
board before.
John Lewczyk