It looks as though my next project will be to try and
link the serial
port of my 4052 (which is part of the ROM expansion backpack, of all
things) to a machine on which I have internet access, or from which I
can store on media that I can read on a machine with internet access.
It's not until I try something like this that I realise just how poorly
connected my collection is...
One thing which I find extremely useful fo this sort of thing is an HP
palmtop (I normally use an HP95LX). It has a serial port, a built-in
terminal emulator which can capture (and send) the raw data over the
serial port, and also has XMODEM (which I have never used) and kermit
protocols in the ROM. Just about all my machines have at least one serial
poer, I have my RS232 'hackers kit' containing a mini breakout box,
null-modem adapters (which are easier to use than the breakout box if
that's all that's needed) and an universal gender cable. The last is a
length of 25 way IDC cable with a DB25 plug and a DB25 socket at each end
(4 connecotrs in all). It has proved very useful...
What I would do is arrange for the 4052 to send the listing to the serial
port, and capture in on the 95LX. THen kermit that up to my linux box so
I could tidy it up and upload it somwhere.
Going through the palmtop has the advantage that I don;t ahve to get the
linux box and the macnine I am working on next to each other (which can
be difficult!). The 95LX is small enough that it can even sit on top of a
PCB if there's nowehre else for it to go.