>> I have a couple of DEC machines which I need
to replace a few components
>> on, and also stock up spares of others. With the transistors and diodes,
>> however, I often can't find a direct replacement - and don't know how to
>> figure out what a modern substitute is.
>> For a 2N3009, for example, I can find basic information and a datasheet
>> online easily enough - but as for choosing a functional, available
>> substitute for it, I'm honestly not even sure where to begin.
Way too much information.. What he needs to know is
what can he buy now that
should work to replace a 2n3009?
There is a saying in England :
'Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed
him for life'.
I try to use that principle when posting here. I try to show how solve
similar problems in the future. None of us will be around for ever [1]
and I think it's important the information, methods, 'tricks', etc get
passed on
[1] It would only take one careless mistake when repairing an SMPSU...
As the bit of the original message I've left above semems to suggest, the
2N3309 is an example, and the OP possibly needs to substitute other
transistors as well.
The only case where they type transistor is a bit
fussy is some of the faster
flip chip cards (logic) and SMPS.
Maybe in DEC equipment... But I can assure you that the HP9100 is
'touchy'. It's not particularly high-speed, it's certainly not an SMPSU,
but you will have 'fun' working out what transistors to use.