At 11:26 PM 8/12/98 +0100, Tony Duell wrote:
It's not 'really' Apple software. It's the UCSD P-system configured to
run on an Apple ][. I've got a very similar system on my Sirius, and I
believe it was also available for the IBM PC, PDP11, Sage, etc.
Interested folk might visit my UCSD web page at the address
below. I've got my C source there for dealing with P-System
disk images, for getting directories and bursting files from images.
As for Sam's childhood trauma disk injury, should we discuss
which systems didn't have a hardware-based "disk changed" indicator,
and which relied on software methods to prevent that sort
of disaster?
It ran
on the PERQ. But the difference between the UCSD p-system OS and the PERQ
OS (POS) was quite amazing - POS had a proper filesystem (a directory
I saw my first PERQ a few weeks ago at the ACM SIGGRAPH meeting
in Orlando. It was in the 70s history exhibit, along with one of
my Teraks. Someone else had lent a PERQ, I don't know who.
It wasn't running, though, and I don't know anything else about it.
Interesting looking!
- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <>